Friday, 17 May 2019

Trade war

The Global Economy In Business War
Global conflict
America - China trade is ahead of the new era of war and it is believed to have a bad effect on the meaning of VISA. The effect of such a war comes some time later. The survey has found that in 2018, the taxation on the revenues of Chinese goods by the US reduces the investment in the US. American importers had to pay a higher price and  the business of Chinese exporters is also adversely affected . According to the Industry Group International Finance Group, the trade is reduced  in China's due to taxation in July last year.
US and China counter on 5 and 10 May
due to the increase in the value of commodities can lead to a danger of increase in the value of the goods.
So far, the share of Consumer goods is only 20% in the total revenues from China. Now things like toy and clothes will be added in it. Economist of the NewWork Federal Reserve says that due to rising tariff, the inflation will be 0.1 percent points to 0.4 points each. According to the International Monetary Fund, 25% tax on the entire trade of US and China will reduce US GDP by 0.3% to 0.6% and China will reduce by 0.5% to 1.5%. Financial markets will be badly affected. According to Morgan Stanley, the value of equity in Asia and emerging markets may fall by 8-12%. With a tax on imported raw materials, China can not be relieved from its sari capitalism model. Due to the full government subsidy, the Chinese manufacturer is in a tough position to face tough conditions. By the way, America's bary company is taking the strongest action against China.

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