Saturday, 18 May 2019

China streak


China explores the unseen part of the Moon, hopes to solve many stones related to earth and moon
Its chemical structure is different from the rest of the moon. There are many hopes that the development of the earth related to development is going on.

Beijing, PTI. China's space shuttle Chang E-4 has started exploring the unseen part of the moon. With the help of Chang E-4, it has received extensive information about the chemical and mineral components of this part of the moon's surface. In the coming days, there is also hope of solving many chimes related to the development of earth and moon.

Chang E-4 is the first ship of the world, which has landed on the other side of the moon. This part is not visible from earth. Chang E-4 Yan was launched on December 8 last year with the help of March -3B rocket from Sichuan Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan province. It successfully landed on the moon on January 3. The team related to this campaign says that the place where the vessel has landed, there is evidence of olivine and pyroxine found in the soil. This is different from the chemical components of the rocks of other parts of the Moon.

Scientists are currently studying the data from the vehicle. In the coming days, sending another vehicle is planned to bring the soil sample on earth from this undiscovered portion of the moon. Scientists say that there are many similarities in the surface of the moon and the Earth. In such a situation, information about the moon's surface can be helpful in understanding the development of earth and moon.

Largest Impact Crater Landed
Chang E-4 selected the South Pole-Atken Basin of the Moon to study, it is one of the largest known impact crater in our solar system. The valley formed by the collision of a small body on a planet, satellite or celestial body is called an impact crater. The diameter of this crater of the moon is approximately 2,500 kilometers and the depth is about 13 kilometers. According to estimates, this crater is at least 3.9 billion years old. Yan is studying in the 180-kilometer wide Woman Carmen Crater located in this vast valley.

Connecting is also the challenge
It is also not less than a challenge to establish contact between the Yan and the center on the earth sent on this undiscovered portion of the moon. In May last year, China had launched a relay satellite called QQiao, to contact between the Yan and Earth.

Why is the undiscovered part?
The moon revolves around its axis in such a way that 41 percent of its share is never seen from Earth. Due to no information about this part, it is also called 'dark side'. However this part is not in the dark. The sun has equal light on both parts of the moon and on both sides there are two to two weeks of day and night according to the earth.

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